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You’ve been writing scripts for a while. You’re learning the craft. Maybe you’ve been getting somewhere, but having work actually produced and turned into a TV show or a movie still seems miles away.

Maybe the time has come to make something yourself. It feels like there’s an audience out there waiting for your work. And it’s probably a good idea to have some work out there.

But what are you going to make? Or write? Or produce?

It’s daunting. The possibilities are endless. Are you going to make YouTube videos? Or Instagram Reels? Or start a podcast? Or start a blog on Substack? Or publish your own book on Amazon?

But how do those platforms work? How do you record a podcast? What do you edit it on? How does Substack work? It can be infuriatingly hard to learn new tech – especially when all you want to do is write.

And it needs to be good, because if it’s poorly produced, it will make you look bad as writer, and there are so many platforms, so much advice and it seems so hard to get noticed and-

Relax. Breathe.

It doesn’t have to be hard. Or complicated.

Take it from someone who’s not only written sitcom scripts for TV and radio but turned his hand to most things over the years: I’ve written books, both published and indie, written award-winning Fringe plays, toured one-man shows, written audio bus tours, and made hours and hours of podcasts before everyone else was doing it. I’ve also been involved in a couple of Kickstarters and, well, I have a couple of blogs on Substack.

I’ve got a few ideas about your options and happy to talk about them.

In this 90-minute webinar – with plenty of time for questions – we’re going to look at the possibilites when it comes to making your own stuff, and what’s the best fit for you: it’s the why, the what and the how.

The emphasis is on keeping it simple and, crucially, sustainable.

And that’s what I’m doing with this webinar. Keeping it simple. This is a no-frills sales page. In fact, ‘sales’ is pitching it strong. It’s more of a ‘just to let you know’ page.

And I’ve made it pay-what-you-like to keep it simple too. I’ve taken the pressure off myself. Now I don’t have to prep a three hour session that people are paying £150 for. This is more laid back.

I’ve made one graphic on Keynote that took me about 20 minutes. And I’m not doing any more graphics. The webinar will be me talking for probably 40 mins or so and stopping for questions. And then more questions at the end. We’re keeping it simple.

So that’s it. There’s really no reason not to come and find out how you can make your own entertainment.

You in?




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